Physical Education (PE)

At Chenies we recognise that physical fitness is an important part of children’s well-being and want children to experience and enjoy a wide variety of sports and activities which will develop their physical strength and stamina.  We ensure that P.E. at Chenies allows the children to participate and perform as individuals and as part of larger groups both in school and at local area events. Children have the opportunity to participate in competitive games within their own class, their schoolhouses and other schools allowing them to develop a team spirit of respect and sportsmanship. There is the opportunity to engage with sport through extra-curricular clubs for all year groups.

All children receive two hour long PE lessons in school each week.
One session is taught by an external provider and one by a teacher in school.
Throughout the year all children engage with a variety of different sports and skills.
Whilst our children are taught in a mixed class, different skills are developed in each year group as they progress through the school within each subject.
Useful websites and links