Religious Education

At Chenies we strive to ensure that we create an environment that is conducive to enabling children explore and be curious about what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live. We want our pupils to gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, in a diverse society, while providing opportunities for them to reflect on their own ideas and ways of living both now and in their future lives.

 As a school we follows the Buckinghamshire Challenging RE IV Agreed Syllabus. This ensures children are given the opportunity to explore and develop their knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs and practices. 
Whilst our children are taught in a mixed class, different skills are developed in each year group as they progress through the school within each subject.
Useful websites and links

REquest â€“ A bank of source material for teaching Christianity to students aged 4 – 16. Includes stories, interviews with Christians and interactive games. (Also includes downloadable teaching plans.)

BBC Bitesize KS1 â€“ Short clips on a range of religions and topics for KS1.

BBC Bitesize KS2 â€“  Short clips on a range of religions and topics for KS2.

Let’s Celebrate! â€“  Short films and games on a range of religions from CBeebies. Suitable for early years.